Many people think that as soon as you accept democracy, then you will be practising democracy.Hmm,,ckp je bnde ni aku mmg risau tol...skrg ni msyarakat kte especially students still not understand the meaning of democracy.Basically democracy is about giving power to the majority. It is assumed that the majority knows what is best for the whole. The minority should therefore be prepared to accept the rule of the majority after presenting opposing views and criticisms.sbut je demokrasi die org ingat leh wat ske ati MAK BAPAK depa..tgok je kt sekeliling skrg...rmai yg cbe brAKSI sesuka hati ats dasar demokrasi dan kebebasan yg tnpa had...slain 2 ade jgk yg cbe mluahkan prasaan trutama dlm blog ttg isu2 PANAS spt politik, agama n mcm2 la.come on guys,no need 2 mention dat u are gud enough...damn u..kte ade cre kte...2 bkn demokrasi...tgokla ble demokrasi dislh gne jd la huru hara..laman sosial mcm facebook pon dh smkin mrepek skrg....dh jd mcm2...ingatla,,negara kte ni ade undang2...jgn nk mrepek...for those who think there a gud enough,,,haha....aku cme blh nk mencarut
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